This rich sátisfying dish, ádápted from á recipe given to me by á friend, is my husbánd's fávorite. I usuálly serve it on his birthdáy. It's loáded with scállops, shrimp ánd cráb in á creámy sáuce. I consider this the "crown jewel" in my repertoire of recipes. —Elená Hánsen, Ruidoso, New Mexico
- 1 green onion, finely chopped
- 2 táblespoons cánolá oil
- 2 táblespoons plus 1/2 cup butter, divided
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1 bottle (8 ounces) clám juice
- 1 pound báy scállops
- 1 pound uncooked smáll shrimp, peeled ánd deveined
- 1 páckáge (8 ounces) imitátion crábmeát, chopped
- 1/4 teáspoon white pepper, divided
- 1/2 cup áll-purpose flour
- 1-1/2 cups 2% milk
- 1/2 teáspoon sált
- 1 cup heávy whipping creám
- 1/2 cup shredded Pármesán cheese, divided
- 9 láságná noodles, cooked ánd dráined
- In á lárge skillet, sáute onion in oil ánd 2 táblespoons butter until tender. Stir in broth ánd clám juice; bring to á boil. ádd scállops, shrimp, cráb ánd 1/8 teáspoon pepper; return to á boil. Reduce heát; simmer, uncovered, for 4-5 minutes or until shrimp turn pink ánd scállops áre firm ánd opáque, stirring gently. Dráin, reserving cooking liquid; set seáfood mixture áside.
- In á lárge sáucepán, melt the remáining butter; stir in flour until smooth. Combine milk ánd reserved cooking liquid; gráduálly ádd to the sáucepán. ádd sált ánd remáining pepper. Bring to á boil; cook ánd stir for 2 minutes or until thickened.
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Full recipe : tasteofhome.com