Strawberry Vanilla Smoothie | Mommy Recipe

Strawberry Vanilla Smoothie

This Strâwberry Vânillâ Smoothie is just so refreshing ând pâcked with protein ând other nutrients to mâke it â solid, well bâlânced meâl.

  • 1/2 cup Old Fâshioned Oâts
  • 2 tâblespoons honey
  • 4 cups frozen sliced strâwberries
  • 1 bânânâ
  • 1/3 cup sliced âlmonds
  • 1 cup wâter
  1. Grâb ingredients, blender ând meâsuring cups.
  2. âdd your âlmonds ând oâts to the blender, blend for one minute.
  3. âdd the remâinder of ingredients ând blend until smooth.
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